Sunday, October 4, 2009

BP1_2009101_Blogs in Education

While blogs are not a new technology, many people do not understand how to use blogs in education. There are many different ways that blogs can be used effectively in education. One way that teachers can use blogs in their classroom is as an information source for their students. They can post in class and homework assignments. They can also post the information that was covered in class that day for students who were absent.

Teachers can also have students use blogs in the classroom. Students can use blogs to have in depth online discussions. The teacher or a student can post the beginning of the discussion, and then other students and the teacher can make comments on the original post. Students can also post their own projects and information on their blogs. They will then receive feedback from a variety of people across the world. Teachers and students can work together to use blogs as great learning tools. Blogs can also keep parents informed of their student's learning. This connection allows parents to support their children in their learning.

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