Sunday, October 4, 2009

BP2_2009101_Google Reader

All five of the RSS feeds that I chose to add to my Google Reader will help in my growth as a teacher. Each one keeps me up to date about the information in the world of education.

Educational Technology
This feed is about the different technologies that are used and implemented in education. This feed will allow me to stay current with how to use technology in my classroom. This feed also will show me how others have implemented these technologies into their classrooms.

NPR Topics: Education
This feed will keep me current on what is going on in the education world. This feed pulls from all over the United States. I will be able to know what is going on in education from around the country.

Education with Technology
This is another feed that deals with technology in education. This feed will also keep me up to date with new technology and how it is implemented into classrooms.
This feed updates me on the website This website is a great resource for all teachers. On this site, teachers post videos that are related to education. The videos could be teaching aides or student examples.

Coffee Break Spanish
This feed links me to basic Spanish podcasts. Since I teach Spanish 1 and 2, these beginning Spanish podcasts will be wonderful for me to incorporate into my classroom.

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